Paper vs the Planet

On this Earth Day, we would like to give a shout out to the paper industry, and give them props for being a good thing for the environment. Controversial, we know. But hear us out.

In the world of print, paper is our bread (and ink is our butter, if you will), so of course we’re partial to the paper industry. But they get a bad rap. In our line of business, we’re aware how the very eco-conscious among us look at our product. Like we’re killing trees by using paper. And so the myth continues to spread that printers are ultimately causing deforestation just by practicing our trade.

But this is not true. The truth is that the paper industry (and dare we say the print industry, by association, too) is good for the environment. Trees are their lifeblood. Without them, they can’t make paper. So they plant more trees (often more than what is harvested), which in turn helps the planet. It’s the law of supply and demand really, and it just so happens that the item in demand are trees. So the more we opt to go paperless, or put out a digital-only campaign, the more we risk causing a decline in sustainable forestry.

Working forests are good for the environment, providing clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and carbon capture. Plus growing and harvesting trees provides thousands of jobs.

And let’s not forget that the end product (paper) is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable product made from trees. And most final print pieces can be recycled (please note certain coatings/special finishes are not recyclable). Something to keep in mind the next time you get a pile of junk mail, or need to print an email. It’s okay. It keeps the cycle moving.

To read more on the topic of the paper industry vs deforestation, check out this article by The Paper and Packaging Board.

Photo by Arnaud Mesureur on Unsplash